Public Lecture on EPFL campus : "Shine On, You Nano-Structured Diamond". Manipulating light at the nanoscale in diamond

Symposium Latsis 2019 - Diamond Photonics
Symposium Latsis 2019 - Diamond Photonics
Prof. Marko Loncar, Harvard University, USA
Manifestation terminée

Diamond is a wonder material -- and it is now revolutionizing the science and technology of light. Researchers are today creating microscopic structures made of diamond able to guide light, with new applications in biosensing and quantum technologies

The Public Lecture given by Prof. Marko Loncar from Harvard University will take place on Sunday at 5pm, May 19th, 2019, at the Forum Rolex on EPFL campus. 

The lecture is open to the large audience and introduces the topic of Diamond Photonics in general terms. We welcome young participants with an interest in science and engineering to join.

The event is free of charge, but registration is required on this link : 

The event receives generous financial support by the Latsis Foundation. The event is supported by the International Day of Light and has received endorsement by the Optical Society of America.


Diamond possesses remarkable physical properties, and in many ways is the ultimate engineering material! For example, diamond is transparent in ultra-violet, visible and infra-red wavelength range, and has a high refractive index, nearly twice that of water. As a result, light that enters diamond crystal is bent, twisted and reflected in exciting ways, resulting in sparklines of the diamond gemstones. Diamond is also the best thermal conductor and therefore can survive exposures to high power laser beams, even. Finally, diamond can be a host to wide variety of atomic impurities that in turn can change its color: from transparent to yellow, pink, even blue. Importantly, these impurities can also emit light, which makes them precious to scientists and engineers. One particularly exciting application of diamond’s impurities is in the field of quantum information science and technology, which promises realization of powerful quantum computers capable of tackling problems that cannot be solved using classical approaches, as well as realization of secure communication channels. Other applications include detection of weak magnetic fields which is of importance in bio-medicine, navigation and timing, and so on.

I will first review advances in nanotechnology that have enabled fabrication of nanoscale optical devices in diamond – the hardest material on earth. I will then discuss how these devices can be used to generate, manipulate, and store quantum information, one photon at the time, and thus enable realization of secure communication networks. Finally, I will show how nanostructuring of diamond surface can be used to make it completely transparent (a perfect window) or completely reflective (a perfect mirror) to optical beams. Importantly, these windows and mirrors can withstand MegaWatts of laser power.

Entrée gratuite
Age conseillé
6 à 12 ans, Adolescents, Adultes, Seniors
60 minutes
Prof. Marko Loncar, Harvard University, USA
dim. 19 mai 2019

Campus EPFL, Lausanne

Forum Rolex
Route Cantonale, 1015 Lausanne
1015 Lausanne

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