Our Milky Way seen by the Gaia mission

Manifestation terminée

Discover the work of Gaia, the ambitious mission of the European Space Agency

A public talk by Dr. Laurent Eyer, « Maître d’enseignement et de recherche (MER) », Department of Astronomy, University of Geneva, Leader of the Gaia Coordination Unit 7 on Variability Processing and Analysis

Gaia is an ambitious mission of the European Space Agency. This spacecraft is performing a census of more than 1.5 billion celestial objects, to create the most accurate and complete multi-dimensional map of the Milky Way.

Essential astrophysical information such as distance, space motion, and physical properties of stars are determined and allow us to describe our Galaxy and its constituents unprecedentedly. For example, Gaia revealed a major merger of our Milky Way with another galaxy that happened 8 to 11 billion years ago.

Dr. Laurent Eyer will explain that Gaia is not only impacting knowledge of our Galaxy; it is also discovering quasars and galaxies and is helping to determine the distances in our Universe, thanks to the calibration of the standard candles.

Presentation in English 

 Event organised in the frame of the ChETEC-INFRA Nuclear Physics in Astrophysics X School, taking place at CERN from 29 August to 3 September

Entrée gratuite
Age conseillé
Adolescents, Adultes, Seniors
90 minutes
mar. 30 août 2022

CERN - Globe de la science et de l'innovation

Esplanade des Particules 1, CH-1217 Meyrin
1217 Meyrin

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