Much Ado About Nothing

Manifestation terminée

Much Ado About Nothing, one of Shakespeare's most brilliant and accessible comedies, will be performed at the Centre des arts by the Cambridge University European Theatre Group.

Much Ado about Nothing is one of Shakespeare’s most brilliant and accessible comedies. The Cambridge University European Theatre Group’s carnivalesque production is an energetic feast of masquerade, circus and spectacle, highlighting the deception and disguise in the plot. Colourfully filled with dance, music, and magic, audiences will be transported to a summer festival of merriment and mischief.

The Cambridge University European Theatre Group is a self-sufficient, entirely student-run theatrical company, which tours a Shakespeare play around Europe for two and a half weeks every December (and has been doing so for over 50 years now!) It is an ambitious coach-bound operation; a company of 25 or so tour with professional lighting and sound equipment, costumes and an experimental set, enabling them to put on a show absolutely anywhere. 

Each year they visit around twelve venues - ranging from professional theatres, to schools and universities, and even to churches and converted bread-ovens - and travel through five or six countries. The tour schedule always incorporates a handful of new venues each year, whilst maintaining long-standing relationships with others. Cambridge ETC previously visited Ecolint with productions of Hamlet, (2008), A Midsummer Night’s Dream (2009), Taming of the Shrew (2010), King Lear (2011), The Merchant of Venice (2012), Macbeth (2014) and Hamlet (2016).

Age conseillé
Adolescents, Adultes, Seniors
120 minutes
Cambridge University European Theatre Group
lun. 11 déc. 2017

Attention cette date est: Complet

Centre des Arts - Ecole Internationale de Genève

Salle par défaut
Route du Chêne, 62
1208 Genève

Voir le programme complet


Plein tarif: CHF 25

Tarif réduit (étudiants, AVS, AI, -20 ans): CHF 15
Contact / Réservation

Attention cette date est: Complet

Réservation obligatoire
Numéro de Téléphone
+41 22 787 26 75


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